Town HallIn 1802 , the community of what was later to be named Suffield Township was founded by Royal Pease, who was originally from Suffield, Connecticut. From 1802 until April 6, 1818, our community was known as Peasetown.  In 1818, the name was changed to Suffield Township and governing officials were elected.  Suffield is one of 18 townships in Portage County and lies in the southwest corner of the county.  We are uniquely situated in close proximity to Akron, Ohio to the west and to Hartville, Ohio to the south.  This gives our community a great mix of big city opportunities combined with rural charm.

With a population of 6,315 as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2015, Suffield Township is a close knit community - a community where neighbors look out for one another and wave when passing on the road.  Township services include a highly trained Fire Department, led by Chief Robert Rasnick, providing fire and EMS protection to the township, as well as a hard working Road Department, supervised by David (Pete) Einloth, that takes care of the roadways and other services related to the needs of  the community.

We welcome you to our community.  Please explore our website and see what Suffield has to offer.


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Town Hall Rental

The historic Suffield Town Hall can be rented by residents and non-residents for various events.  For more information on the availability, costs and regulations on renting the Town Hall, please click here or call the Town Hall administrator Shannon Eldreth at 330-807-0384.

Upcoming Events

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Historical Society

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Wingfoot Lake State Park

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Wingfoot Lake State Park is Suffield's only park.   It was opened by the Ohio State Parks & Recreation Department in 2009.  Goodyear had operated the park since the 1960's as a private playground for its employees and for corporate retreats.  As the company footprint grew smaller in the Akron area Goodyear decided to close the park in 2006.  To learn more about the park, such as rental of the facilities, visit the park's website:

A great opportunity for community involvement, and many free activities for everyone!  Click on the logo to learn more about the Suffield League.


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Monday, 10 February 2025 18:47